In today’s show… The unique properties of Spring’s neutral colours, how they participate in all-neutral outfits, and how we manage the challenges. (begins at 0.00) Neutral combinations for True Spring. (32.55) Neutral combinations for Light Spring. (38.10) Neutral combinations for Bright Spring. (46.20) Duration total: 54.17 minutes Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube
Tag: colour harmony
Episode 47: Neutral Combinations for Summers
In today’s show… We discuss the following questions: What’s easy and less easy in creating elegant combinations with neutral colours for Summers? (begins at 0.00) Neutral combinations for True Summer. (18.57) Neutral combinations for Light Summer. (41.45) Neutral combinations for Soft Summer. (50.57) Duration total: 1hr 03 minutes Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and
Episode 44: Colour Analysis Q&A Part 2
In today’s show… We discuss the following questions: Can you do colour analysis online? (begins at 1.12) “I don’t like my Season.” (at 4.57) Does every colour in the Season suit every person or should some be avoided? (at 23.44) Should our best colours bring us into focus, blur imperfections, or both? (at 48.09) Duration
Studio St. John is Traveling
Studio St. John is traveling! Studio St. John travels to Norwalk, Connecticut and Charleston, South Carolina in March of 2023 for Personal Color Analysis. Spring is in the air! Personal Color Analysis is an opportunity to instantly refresh your appearance by enlivening your natural coloring with hair, make-up and clothing choices that complement the inborn beauty that is already
Episode 25: Using Your Colour Palette
In today’s show… We discuss ways of using your Seasonal colour palette to see colours as they are and make beautiful choices when shopping. Duration total: 53.56 minutes Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube by navigating to Chrysalis Colour Analysis, and at LinkedIn on Christine’s profile page at Christine Scaman. Photo credit: Artem
One Woman, Two Versions Series
by Anna Fraś (Poland) Illuminated by different colours Following the thread of looking at the same face illuminated by different colours, we wish to present here a striking series of posts created by our analysts. Recently we have had the chance to read about Michelle’s experience and look at Anna’s project here at Chrysalis Colour.
Episode 14: Hair Colour for Summers
In today’s show… We follow the order of True, Light, and Soft Summer, divided into natural colour, chemical colour, colour to avoid, plus two real world examples. True Summer: natural (begins at 3.40 min), chemical (at 9.05), to avoid (14.25). Light Summer: natural (15.33), chemical, 17.23), to avoid (20.11). Soft Summer: natural (20.45), chemical (24.08),
Episode 13: Beautiful Silver
In today’s show… We discuss wearing our natural silver hair most beautifully, how to manage the transition stages, and tips for choosing hair colour while we still want to cover gray. Duration total: 38.42 minutes. Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube at Chrysalis Colour Analysis, or on LinkedIn on Christine’s page at Christine
Episode 9: Colour Instinct and Leaning Warm or Cool
In today’s show… We discuss the following questions: Do people know their colours instinctively? (begins at 1.14 min.) How can I tell if I have a warm or cool undertone? (begins at 13.49 min.) What does it mean to lean warm or cool in our Season? (begins at 19.39 min.) Duration total: 32.03 minutes Find
Whatever Your Glorious Age: Colour Analysis at 50+
by Lisa Kelly (Ontario, Canada) (Series – Part 5 of 5) For my 50th birthday back in 2013, I did something very out of character: I spent $300 on my appearance, on a personal colour analysis. Me, a jeans-and-t-shirt casual woman, intimidated by anything stronger than lipgloss. And yet the decision felt simple, and the
Episode 7: Harmony, Hair And Skin Tones
In today’s show… We discuss the following questions: What is harmony? How do you know when you’ve achieved it? (0.58 min.) Do you ever see people coloured out of harmony? (14.20 min.)? (including how non-harmony might appear (16.30 min.) , whether natural hair colour can clash with Season (21.00 min.), and whether natural hair colour
Love and Colour Analysis
by Anna Fraś (Poland) A fleeting impression An unusual smile awarded my queueing today at the department of motor vehicles. The lady looked up from her desk: I saw a truly extraordinary expression on her face. The smile was not only kind and welcoming, but radiant, showing gladness to be there and this kind of
That Moment of Wonderment
by Lisa Kelly (Ontario, Canada) That Moment of Wonderment in your Colour Analysis: A Valentine for you I can still feel my gasp, looking in the mirror when the headscarf (which had covered my hair during the analysis) came off. Was that MY hair? That subtle gorgeous mix of shades – bark, sand, teak, frost
How to Choose Gold for Your Skintone
by Christine Scaman (Prince Edward Island, Canada) In any given person, like you reading this for example, every colour sings in perfect harmony with every other. These eyes go with that skin. This skin would grow this hair colour, not that one. Harmony means getting along, implying at least two participants. Friction, or not getting
Hair Color for Dark Winter (and Dark Autumn)
by Courtenay St. John (Connecticut/Massachusetts) As a Color Analyst, I usually encourage clients to approximate their natural hair color as much as possible. The color that you were born with is always in harmony with your skin tone, so the chance for unwanted oranges, overall ashy-ness, intense color blocks or other disjointed effects that distract the
The Minimalist Travel Wardrobe
by Jorunn Hernes (Norway) A simple rule to keep in mind when travelling: Everything you bring shall match all the other items. Travel Wardrobe = a condensed capsule wardrobe. If there is something you pick that doesn’t match the shoes you are thinking of bringing, choose something else instead. This is much easier if you
Tips For Great Hair Color Without Going to the Salon
by Courtenay St. John (Connecticut/Massachusetts) A Personal Decision Not To Go Gray… There are two things I remember Grandmom saying that must have deeply imprinted my ideas about hair color. Grandmom unfavorably viewed those blond TV personalities whose “roots were showing.” And, in her 90’s, Grandmom still crowed, “I have never seen a gray hair
Wouldn’t I just wear colours I like?
by Christine Scaman (Prince Edward Island, Canada) A colour will always have a relationship to its surrounding colours… whether that be a harmonious one or a disharmonious one. Let’s say that you just signed the lease on a new office space. You were looking for the supportive feeling of a home to introduce yourself and
What is Personal Colour Analysis?
by Chrysalis Colour What is a Season? Season is another word for group of natural coloring. We all have a built-in colour scheme that includes a version of every colour, blue, red, green and all the others, like a personal rainbow. By choosing from this menu when we create our appearance, our clothing colours are