by Anna Łazarska (Poland) One of the first clothing items I purchased after my PCA was a purple t-shirt. Keeping in mind my analyst’s advice how I needed time and practice in order to learn how to recognize my colors, I avoided major closet investments in the first couple of months. I figured buying just
Category: Self Image
The Misunderstood Season
by Terry Wildfong (Michigan + California) During my almost 30-year career as a personal color analyst and doing colors in both the 4-season and 12-season systems, one thing remains consistent – the misunderstood season. In the early 90s, before the internet and social media were the norm, my clients came from my talking with people
Growing into Bright Winter
by Debi Rushworth (New Brunswick, Canada) I can still remember the elation. The wait was over. The analyst pronounces what we have both seen with our eyes, that I am a Bright Winter. The Luxury drapes have been demonstrated, giving me visual reference on what my colours look like in fabric. …Then what? Maybe it’s just
Announcing FREE Aligned Makeup Masterclass with Florentina
by Florentina Mossou (The Netherlands) Featuring 12B colour analysis and Align style analysis You’re invited! The real magic of makeup is to draw attention to the eyes. Harmonious colours, proportions and textures do not distract the gaze, but guide it. The viewer settles peacefully on the eyes. Body type is key to knowing how to
One Woman, Two Versions Series
by Anna Fraś (Poland) Illuminated by different colours Following the thread of looking at the same face illuminated by different colours, we wish to present here a striking series of posts created by our analysts. Recently we have had the chance to read about Michelle’s experience and look at Anna’s project here at Chrysalis Colour.
One Woman, Four Versions
by Anna Łazarska (Poland) I love looking at pictures of women before and after their personal color analysis. I can see how random color choices are replaced with consequent patterns. How a blurred face turns into a focused one. How the colors of the person, which used to be so painfully separate from her apparel,
One Analyst, Two Faces
by Michelle Boni (Orlando, Florida) A tale of two professional photographs and two color seasons. The picture on the left is from Korea, and the picture on the right is from America. The first encounter Unlike many of my other color analyst colleagues, my first exposure to Personal Color Analysis was through a Korean TV
What You Look Like After a Colour Analysis
by Anna Fraś (Poland) Sitting across from Christine Scaman, I wondered where exactly her age could be seen. I am a little ashamed to admit that while waiting for the waitress, reading the menu and talking about matters that were of interest to us, I looked carefully at the face, hair, neck, and hands of
Whatever Your Glorious Age: Colour Analysis at 50+
by Lisa Kelly (Ontario, Canada) (Series – Part 5 of 5) For my 50th birthday back in 2013, I did something very out of character: I spent $300 on my appearance, on a personal colour analysis. Me, a jeans-and-t-shirt casual woman, intimidated by anything stronger than lipgloss. And yet the decision felt simple, and the
Love and Colour Analysis
by Anna Fraś (Poland) A fleeting impression An unusual smile awarded my queueing today at the department of motor vehicles. The lady looked up from her desk: I saw a truly extraordinary expression on her face. The smile was not only kind and welcoming, but radiant, showing gladness to be there and this kind of
That Moment of Wonderment
by Lisa Kelly (Ontario, Canada) That Moment of Wonderment in your Colour Analysis: A Valentine for you I can still feel my gasp, looking in the mirror when the headscarf (which had covered my hair during the analysis) came off. Was that MY hair? That subtle gorgeous mix of shades – bark, sand, teak, frost
Dressing My Changing Size and Shape
by Cate Linden (Kentucky) After gaining a significant amount of weight in the past 8 months – easily the most dramatic weight shift I’ve undergone aside from pregnancy – I was forced back to the drawing board with my closet. Practically speaking, I outgrew a tremendous number of things at once, including all of my
3 Reasons to Wear Lipstick
by Jorunn Hernes (Norway) Let me be crystal clear. You don’t have to wear lipstick. It is perfectly possible to live a rich and fulfilling life without it. However, lipstick is one of the most powerfully feminine icons of our culture. It is difficult to be a grown woman and not have a relationship with lipstick, whether you are
Where Are You Going?
by Cate Linden (Kentucky) When I meet someone for the first time, they already know who I am. I used to feel surprised when someone read me accurately upon a first meeting, but I shouldn’t have. My outfit was speaking for me, communicating my confidence in my choices, my sensitive nature, my fizzing intellect. It
Look Your ‘Normal’
by Christine Scaman (Prince Edward Island, Canada) Hardly sounds like a goal, does it? Certainly not an exciting one, and quite unlike the language we’re used to with appearance. There may be a technical or more stimulating word. Balanced or elegant could substitute. Normal gets to the point and says more. Looking Balanced A 100%