True Autumn
As a True Autumn, the key features of your colouring are:
True Autumn colours with no contribution from another Season • Colours warmed by rich gold; darker, redder, and a bit grayer than Spring yellow • Warm colours, where warmth is noticed more than darkness or brightness • Span from light warm beige to medium-dark gray and darker browns
When you shop...
- Focus on warm, earthy colours, like an October hillside glowing in the afternoon sun. Earthy means soft + orange together, independent of darkness.
- Don't invest in colours that remind you of water, feathers, candy, or frozen landscapes. Even your jewels are rich and glowing with warmth.
- Be flexible about lightness or darkness of individual items, aiming for an overall medium to medium-dark level.
- Know that your 'black' is medium-dark gray. Rich brown, rust, or khaki substitute seamlessly.
- Find your white in latte and colonial beige.
- Look for grays that remind you of elephant gray, with more neutral options in beige, khaki, and brown than gray.
- Know that your lightest colours are warm and around the level of cactus (you remember light colours from your PCA that were pastel or icy and learned how to identify yours.)
- Use the technique demonstrated by your colour analyst for checking colour warmth/coolness (hue). Your warmth level is fully warmed. Every colour is selected for that amount of warmth. Getting the colour temperature right is key for good results, and hard to 'guesstimate' without comparing to a fan.