
Analyst Training

Would you like to become a Personal Colour Analyst?

We extend to you a warm welcome to join the Chrysalis Colour community.

Have you ever thought about starting your own business? Do you like working with colour, cosmetics, or fashion? Would you like to help others feel good about themselves? Then becoming a personal colour analyst may be for you. Would you believe that in as little as 4 days you can learn the skills you need to be begin this rewarding career? It’s true.

Training courses are offered by

Terry Wildfong
Christine Scaman
Cate linden
anna lazarska

meet the intructors

United States

Terry Wildfong

Training courses with Terry are offered:

Michigan, USA:  May to October
California, USA: November to April


Training courses with CATE are offered:

Kentucky, USA:  Year-round


C2 analyst page-min

Training courses with Christine are offered:

Prince Edward Island, CANADA
April to October


Anna Lazarska CC training

Training courses with ANNA are offered:


how to begin the process

Email the instructor to begin the process. (see links below).

Prior to confirming course dates, prospective students meet with the instructor in a 30 minute Skype conversation to allow questions to be asked. The student and instructor then decide together whether becoming a Chrysalis Colour Analyst is the right choice.

Dates may be tentatively scheduled at this time. 

Students are trained one-on-one with continuous supervision by the instructor.  The student receives the instructor’s full attention over the 4-day period.

Course outlines differ slightly and may be found on each instructor’s website
as a schedule of activities or a ‘What You Will Learn’ format. 


general information

course materials:

Course materials include the neutral gray analyst coat, client cape, and headscarf or cap. The required 12 BLUEPRINTS Test drapes (112 drapes) are purchased separately and are available at the time of training.

Luxury Drapes (180 drapes) are also available for purchase once training is completed. For the course, the instructor’s sets will be used.



FACEBOOK GROUP – After the practicum period is completed, the new analyst will be invited to join the analyst community in a secret group on Facebook, which serves as the primary communication forum for the analyst group.

CHRYSALIS COLOUR – Paid membership in the Chrysalis Colour community allows the analyst to be affiliated with the Chrysalis Colour social media sites and education vehicles for clients and the public.