Episode 50: Cosmetics for Your Season

In today’s show… Anna Lazarska of Perfect Mood Board in Poland  is our guest. We learn about the recent launch of her cosmetics brand for the EU. Anna tells us about the products and colours available for the 12 Seasons via her webshop, and we discuss various other topics related to wearing the most beautiful

Episode 47: Neutral Combinations for Summers

In today’s show… We discuss the following questions: What’s easy and less easy in creating elegant combinations with neutral colours for Summers? (begins at 0.00) Neutral combinations for True Summer. (18.57) Neutral combinations for Light Summer. (41.45) Neutral combinations for Soft Summer. (50.57) Duration total: 1hr 03 minutes Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and

Episode 30: Shopping for Colours Online

In today’s show… Jorunn and Christine discuss how they use online shopping for themselves, their clients, and their websites. They explain their colour choosing process in detail, and reveal their hits, misses, and the colours and products that cause them anxiety. Duration total: 68 minutes Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube by navigating

Episode 45: Neutral Combinations for Autumns

In today’s show… We discuss the following questions: Creating interest with Autumn neutrals colours (begins at 1.57) Neutral combinations for Dark Autumn (at 8.55) Neutral combinations for True Autumn (at 23.12) Neutral combinations for Soft Autumn (at 34.23) Duration total: 46.29 minutes Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube by navigating to Chrysalis Colour

Episode 39: Texture and Colour

In today’s show… We discuss the relationships between fabric texture and colour, shine in textile and skin tone, and the fabrics we find most evocative for the 12 Seasons of natural colouring. Broad categories of texture, including weight, weave, drape, and shine. (at 1.34) Why does texture matter, adapting to our Season, and texture ‘stereotypes’.

The Misunderstood Season

by Terry Wildfong (Michigan + California) During my almost 30-year career as a personal color analyst and doing colors in both the 4-season and 12-season systems, one thing remains consistent – the misunderstood season. In the early 90s, before the internet and social media were the norm, my clients came from my talking with people

Episode 36: Meet Mississippi Colour Analyst Mary Steele Lawler

In today’s show… We meet SciART and 12 Blueprints colour analyst, Mary Steele Lawler of Luminosity in Mississippi. A wonderful storyteller, Mary Steele shares personal and professional insights about colour in a warm climate. Mary Steele’s journey as a colour analyst and upcoming business relaunch (1.27 min) How Mary Steele never stops thinking about colour

Episode 26: Grays

In today’s show… Our conversation takes a practical approach to shopping for gray for the 4 True Seasons and their 8 Neutral (combination) Seasons. What is ‘neutral gray’? (at 4.05) Is there a gray that goes with everything? (6.50) What are warm and cool gray? (8.07) How do I choose ‘saturated gray’? (9.30 Autumn grays

Growing into Bright Winter

by Debi Rushworth (New Brunswick, Canada) I can still remember the elation. The wait was over. The analyst pronounces what we have both seen with our eyes, that I am a Bright Winter. The Luxury drapes have been demonstrated, giving me visual reference on what my colours look like in fabric. …Then what? Maybe it’s just

Episode 23: Eyeglass Frames with Debi Rushworth

In today’s show… We begin with our chat with Debi about her process for choosing frames (from 2.00 – 21.00 min).  Within this period, the discussion for the image below captioned Soft Summer frames begins at 827 min. Our thoughts about Jorunn’s glasses, for the image captioned Jorunn’s rimless and navy frames below, begins at

Episode 22: Align Style Analysis with Florentina Mossou

In today’s show… We are joined by the creator of the Align Style Analysis system, Florentina Mossou in The Netherlands.  We learn how our body dimensions are translated to clothing shapes and designs in harmony with our own. Florentina also introduces the Align Makeup Masterclasses, a series of blog posts here on Chrysalis under the

Episode 19: Image Archetype with Anna Lazarska

In today’s show… Style coach Anna Lazarska of Perfect Mood Board in Poland joins us once more. In this episode, Anna explains image archetype and how knowing your type leads to your most flattering clothing styles and designs. *at 2.03 min., Christine should have said “…adjusting the data to fit the results…” rather than the

Episode 18: Style Coach Anna Lazarska

In today’s show… Anna Lazarska is our guest as we discuss colour analysis, image archetype, and how the strategies she used to find the common ground between them  in her personal style led to the creation of a style coaching business. Duration total: 24.25 minutes Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube by navigating

Episode 13: Beautiful Silver

In today’s show… We discuss wearing our natural silver hair most beautifully, how to manage the transition stages, and tips for choosing hair colour while we still want to cover gray.  Duration total: 38.42 minutes. Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or YouTube at Chrysalis Colour Analysis, or on LinkedIn on Christine’s page at Christine

Episode 12: Hair Colour Basics Part 2

In today’s show… …we finish up discussing general topics that could apply to most everyone to some degree, with hair colour mistakes, dividing the show into two sections: For the mature group, after around 40 years of age, once silver hair starts appearing. (at 3.32 min.) For the younger group, under 35 or 40. (at

Episode 11: Hair Colour Part 1

In today’s show… For Episodes 11 and 12 (Hair Colour Parts 1 and 2),  our thanks go out to guest contributor, Courtenay St. John of Studio St. John in Massachusetts.  In this Part 1 episode, we discuss what looks good when it comes to hair colour on any Season and how at-home hair colour might

Episode 10: White

In today’s show… Our conversation is all about the colour white and how the Seasons wear their whites in the most beautiful way. General aspects of white as a colour. (begins at 2.04) White for Summers. (5.54) White for Springs. (12.32) White for Autumns. (18.48) White for Winters. (23.36) Duration total: 31.45 minutes Find us

Episode 9: Colour Instinct and Leaning Warm or Cool

In today’s show… We discuss the following questions: Do people know their colours instinctively? (begins at 1.14 min.) How can I tell if I have a warm or cool undertone? (begins at 13.49 min.) What does it mean to lean warm or cool in our Season? (begins at 19.39 min.) Duration total: 32.03 minutes Find

Episode 8: Seasons and Personality

In today’s show… We answer a single reader question about one of our favourite topics, the personalities associated with the Seasons. The question is: Do you ever colour analyze people whose Season does not match the character stereotype for their Season? We  then ask ourselves,  do character stereotypes for the Seasons have any value? The

Episode 7: Harmony, Hair And Skin Tones

In today’s show… We discuss the following questions: What is harmony? How do you know when you’ve achieved it? (0.58 min.) Do you ever see people coloured out of harmony? (14.20 min.)? (including how non-harmony might appear (16.30 min.) , whether natural hair colour can clash with Season (21.00 min.),  and whether natural hair colour

Episode 5: Capsule Wardrobe Part 1

In today’s show… We discuss the ideas and advantages behind capsule wardrobes and consider the choice of the neutral colours upon which the wardrobe will rely.  Duration total: 44:28 min. Show Notes: Links for today’s show: Jorunn’s Capsule Wardrobe Course Find a colour analyst near you by choosing Colour Analysts in the menu bar at

Help, I’m Not Young Anymore!

by Johanna Järvinen (Finland) (Series – Part 3 of 5) Ageing is a natural and inevitable process that happens to all us of, one day at a time. Still, there are moments when time just seems to catch up with your looks all of a sudden. Just google something like, ‘can you age ten years

To Grey Or Not to Grey

by Debi Rushworth (New Brunswick, Canada) (Series – Part 1 of 5) I was chatting with a friend the other day about the challenges of ageing and I realised again how much progress I’d made in coming to terms with my appearance. I went silver at a young age. In fact I found my first grey

Episode 3: Changing Colours with Maturity

In today’s show… We discuss the following questions: How do we use our colours from youth to maturity? (begins at 0.58 on the left side counter) Is it true that the warm seasons are less flattered by silvering hair? (at 15.50 on the left side counter) Duration total: 25.15 minutes Show Notes: The Questions discussed

Episode 2: Colour Basics

In today’s show… We discuss the following questions: What do Seasons have to do with natural colouring? (begins at 1.52/20.25) What happens during and right after a colour analysis? (at 8.02/14.10) Why does the Season concept work for choosing clothes and makeup? (at 10.33/11.44) Does Season change with age? (at 15.18/7.01) Duration total: 22.17 minutes