In today’s show…
We follow the order of True, Light, and Soft Summer, divided into natural colour, chemical colour, colour to avoid, plus two real world examples.
- True Summer: natural (begins at 3.40 min), chemical (at 9.05), to avoid (14.25).
- Light Summer: natural (15.33), chemical, 17.23), to avoid (20.11).
- Soft Summer: natural (20.45), chemical (24.08), to avoid (30.10)
- Examples (31.13)
Duration total: 38.44 minutes
Find us on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube at Chrysalis Colour Analysis, or on LinkedIn on Christine’s page at Christine Scaman.
Episode 14: Hair Colour for Summers
Show Notes:
The Seasons discussed in today’s show, in the order of natural colour, chemical colour, and colour to avoid, plus two examples.
- True Summer.
- Light Summer.
- Soft Summer.
- Examples: Justin Trudeau, Erna Solberg.
Find a colour analyst near you by choosing Colour Analysts in the menu bar at the top of the page.
Photo Credit: Alex Ware on Unsplash.
Courtenay St. John is here on Chrysalis under the Colour Analysts>Massachusetts tab, or her on her website at Studio St. John Colors.
Christine’s Light Seasons and Blonde Highlights post is here at 12 BLUEPRINTS.
Jane Fonda on Pinterest.
Justin Trudeau in the Montreal Gazette.
Erna Solberg in the government of Norway site.
Ruby Slippers lipstick for Soft Summer is on the Soft Summer product page, here at 12 BLUEPRINTS.
The Season Cycle:
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