Studio St. John is traveling! Studio St. John travels to Norwalk, Connecticut and Charleston, South Carolina in March of 2023 for Personal Color Analysis. Spring is in the air! Personal Color Analysis is an opportunity to instantly refresh your appearance by enlivening your natural coloring with hair, make-up and clothing choices that complement the inborn beauty that is already
Category: Colour Journey
Why bring clothes to the colour analysis
by Jorunn Hernes (Norway) Why do I ask you to bring clothes to the colour analysis? Well, you’ll show up wearing clothes, but when you book a colour analysis with me, I always ask you to bring clothes too (and accessories) to the appointment. Some bring a few select items, others come hauling a suitcase
Colour Analysis in London, UK
by Jorunn Hernes (Norway) Hello! I am Jorunn Hernes of Nordic Simplicity, 12 BLUEPRINTS Personal Colour Analyst based in Norway. If you don’t know me from before, I am based in Norway, and have been seeing clients in my Fargeporten studio on the west coast of Norway since 2013. I’m also writing about how to
Growing into Bright Winter
by Debi Rushworth (New Brunswick, Canada) I can still remember the elation. The wait was over. The analyst pronounces what we have both seen with our eyes, that I am a Bright Winter. The Luxury drapes have been demonstrated, giving me visual reference on what my colours look like in fabric. …Then what? Maybe it’s just
One Woman, Two Versions Series
by Anna Fraś (Poland) Illuminated by different colours Following the thread of looking at the same face illuminated by different colours, we wish to present here a striking series of posts created by our analysts. Recently we have had the chance to read about Michelle’s experience and look at Anna’s project here at Chrysalis Colour.
One Analyst, Two Faces
by Michelle Boni (Orlando, Florida) A tale of two professional photographs and two color seasons. The picture on the left is from Korea, and the picture on the right is from America. The first encounter Unlike many of my other color analyst colleagues, my first exposure to Personal Color Analysis was through a Korean TV
A New Way to Live
by Debi Rushworth (New Brunswick, Canada) At the start of the year, before COVID 19 hit, I decided it was time for a reset. Having a Personal Colour Analysis a couple of years ago and then settling into my new season of Bright Winter was quite the mental shift. Aside from realising how many clothes I
Love and Colour Analysis
by Anna Fraś (Poland) A fleeting impression An unusual smile awarded my queueing today at the department of motor vehicles. The lady looked up from her desk: I saw a truly extraordinary expression on her face. The smile was not only kind and welcoming, but radiant, showing gladness to be there and this kind of
Colour Journey #3
by Florentina Mossou (The Netherlands) As an analyst, many people ask me how my own colour journey turned out. Well, my colour journey was long. Very long. Long to the point of ridiculousness. For ease of reading, I’ve broken up the story in seven short chapters. Here’s the first part about how I discovered personal
Colour Journey #1
by Jorunn Hernes (Norway) This is the story of my journey from being an amateur with a strong interest in colour and style, to becoming a certified personal colour analysis consultant. It was a rocky road indeed. I have always been captivated by the way things are put together, and analyzing and getting to the