Joy Colour and Image Consulting
by Joy Mahannah
Business Hours :
By Appointment Only
personal colour analysis
Reinvent yourself with colour.
You have the potential to drastically alter how you look by using the power of colour. Understanding the colours that make you look pale and tired are just as important as discovering your “wow” colours.
These are the colours that flatter your skin, hair, and eye colour, leaving you looking healthy and refreshed.
Colours are the easiest and most impactful way to elevate how you look and feel as well as the impression that you make on others.
Book a Discovery Call today to see what’s available.
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It’s so easy to become disconnected from your best colours. We’ve all been there. Before I had my own Personal Colour Analysis, I had drifted toward summer and autumn coloured clothes because that’s what seemed to be in style and was available in the shops I liked. I started to feel older and less vibrant and alive in my appearance; that’s when I decided to see a colour analyst.
My experience of a 12 Season Colour Analysis was profound. Immediately I could see my skin and eyes pop when I wore my best colours. I looked and felt ten years younger, and my style and confidence naturally elevated.
Essentially, life gets better when you’re living inside your natural colours.
Once I saw what was available in wearing my best colours, I wanted to share that with the world. And, so I launched my business, Joy Colour and Image Consulting.