The Minimalist Travel Wardrobe

by Jorunn Hernes (Norway) A simple rule to keep in mind when travelling: Everything you bring shall match all the other items. Travel Wardrobe = a condensed capsule wardrobe. If there is something you pick that doesn’t match the shoes you are thinking of bringing, choose something else instead. This is much easier if you

Thoughts on 12 BLUEPRINTS Cosmetics

by Cate Linden (Kentucky) After a Personal Color Analysis, the very first thing most of my clients do is this: They buy makeup. They stop at the drugstore on the way home, or they wait for my makeup list to show up in their inbox so they can carefully craft a shopping list. So when

A Light Summer Hair Story

by Courtenay St. John (Connecticut/Massachusetts) As a Color Analyst, I usually encourage clients to approximate their natural hair color as much as possible. The color that you were born with is always in harmony with your skin tone, so the chance for unwanted oranges, overall ashy-ness, intense color blocks or other disjointed effects that distract the

Once upon a time…

by Anna Łazarska (Poland) Once upon a time, in a land far, far away there was a little girl… She had blue eyes and long dark blonde hair. Her eyebrows and eyelashes were so delicate that they were hardly visible. Her skin was fair and slightly freckled. CHAPTER 1 “Perhaps the greatest risk any of

The Right Polish for Summer Skin

by Christine Scaman (Prince Edward Island, Canada) Feeling imbalance I went to a meeting. As people arrived, one woman distinguished herself immediately as a leader in any crowd. Her physical presence was noticed first because she was quite tall and strongly built. Her face was equally strong, in the colours of coffee, cream, and golden

3 Common Mistakes When Shopping With Your Colour Fan

by Jorunn Hernes (Norway) Sign-up for this FREE mini-course Jorunn knows exactly how hard it is to make the most of your Colour Season when real life gets in the way. But she has a few tricks up her sleeve, and is eager to share them with you. CLICK HERE to view the course Jorunn

Tips For Great Hair Color Without Going to the Salon

by Courtenay St. John (Connecticut/Massachusetts) A Personal Decision Not To Go Gray… There are two things I remember Grandmom saying that must have deeply imprinted my ideas about hair color. Grandmom unfavorably viewed those blond TV personalities whose “roots were showing.” And, in her 90’s, Grandmom still crowed, “I have never seen a gray hair

Look Your ‘Normal’

by Christine Scaman (Prince Edward Island, Canada) Hardly sounds like a goal, does it? Certainly not an exciting one, and quite unlike the language we’re used to with appearance. There may be a technical or more stimulating word. Balanced or elegant could substitute. Normal gets to the point and says more. Looking Balanced A 100%

Colour Journey #1

by Jorunn Hernes (Norway) This is the story of my journey from being an amateur with a strong interest in colour and style, to becoming a certified personal colour analysis consultant. It was a rocky road indeed. I have always been captivated by the way things are put together, and analyzing and getting to the

Shopping: 5 Lifestyle Types

by Florentina Mossou (The Netherlands) Colour analysis can be a game changer, whatever your lifestyle. It’s such a versatile, effective tool, and you are free to use it in whatever way works best for you. The Stylist – creative freedom If you love to shop, enjoy having a large closet, like to play with accessories

My Post-PCA Shopping Mistakes

by Anna Łazarska (Poland) Next month it is going to be 3 years since my SciART color analysis. This anniversary made me reflect upon the changes in my life and my style since then. I am not going to bore you with the story how fascination with the magic of color and modern analysis process

A Tale of Two Closets & Nothing to Wear

by Katherine Schlagal Bullock (Texas) In my time working as a stylist, I’ve had the opportunity to go through many different wardrobes, but two stand out in my mind: Closet 1 The first belonged to a woman named Anna. When I arrived at Anna’s house, she seemed a little nervous about showing me her closet.

Why Is Hair Covered During a PCA?

by Rachel Nachmias (Pennsylvania) I cover hair in almost all my analyses, and 100% of the time if it isn’t natural. There is a fundamental misunderstanding when someone says that certain colors look good with their hair one way but not another. The misunderstanding is that the goal in choosing a color should be to

Color Changes You

by Alane Rode (Wisconsin) People are constantly asking me if they’re wearing a ‘good’ color. and honestly, if I haven’t draped you, I don’t know. I mean, I can usually tell when someone is wearing a color quite different from their season, even if I haven’t draped them, but as far as what’s best for

The Importance of Hue, Value and Chroma

by Cate Linden (Kentucky) Understanding the Munsell system of Hue, Value, and Chroma is crucial to understanding Personal Color Analysis and how the 12 seasonal tones differ from one another. Whether you know it or not, you already use these attributes to describe color, and they’re really very basic. The Munsell System Hue distinguishes one

Wouldn’t I just wear colours I like?

by Christine Scaman (Prince Edward Island, Canada) A colour will always have a relationship to its surrounding colours… whether that be a harmonious one or a disharmonious one. Let’s say that you just signed the lease on a new office space. You were looking for the supportive feeling of a home to introduce yourself and

What is Personal Colour Analysis?

by Chrysalis Colour What is a Season? Season is another word for group of natural coloring. We all have a built-in colour scheme that includes a version of every colour, blue, red, green and all the others, like a personal rainbow. By choosing from this menu when we create our appearance, our clothing colours are