by Alane Rode (Wisconsin) (Series – Part 4 of 5) I found my first gray hair at 15. For real. I remember it vividly. Standing in first period with my current crush towering over me, my teenage heart fluttered when he lifted his hand to touch my hair. “Oh hey, you’ve got something in your
Tag: mature
Episode 4: Makeup for Mature Faces
In today’s show… …our topic is makeup for mature women. We discuss our different approaches to makeup and share our practical tips and tricks. Our conversation is divided under the following topics: Foundation (begins at 5.17) Concealer (9.16) Powder (11.03) Eyebrows (14.37) Eyes (19.49) Cheeks (23.11) Lips (25.43) Duration total: 30.32 minutes Photo by Marek