Growing into Bright Winter

by Debi Rushworth (New Brunswick, Canada) I can still remember the elation. The wait was over. The analyst pronounces what we have both seen with our eyes, that I am a Bright Winter. The Luxury drapes have been demonstrated, giving me visual reference on what my colours look like in fabric. …Then what? Maybe it’s just

A New Way to Live

by Debi Rushworth (New Brunswick, Canada) At the start of the year, before COVID 19 hit, I decided it was time for a reset.   Having a Personal Colour Analysis a couple of years ago and then settling into my new season of Bright Winter was quite the mental shift. Aside from realising how many clothes I

Why I’m Letting My Hair Go Gray in My Twenties (And Why You Don’t Have to)

by Alane Rode (Wisconsin) (Series – Part 4 of 5) I found my first gray hair at 15. For real. I remember it vividly. Standing in first period with my current crush towering over me, my teenage heart fluttered when he lifted his hand to touch my hair. “Oh hey, you’ve got something in your