
Color Changes You

by Alane Rode (Wisconsin) People are constantly asking me if they’re wearing a ‘good’ color. and honestly, if I haven’t draped you, I don’t know. I mean, I can usually tell when someone is wearing a color quite different from their season, even if I haven’t draped them, but as far as what’s best for

The Importance of Hue, Value and Chroma

by Cate Linden (Kentucky) Understanding the Munsell system of Hue, Value, and Chroma is crucial to understanding Personal Color Analysis and how the 12 seasonal tones differ from one another. Whether you know it or not, you already use these attributes to describe color, and they’re really very basic. The Munsell System Hue distinguishes one

Wouldn’t I just wear colours I like?

by Christine Scaman (Prince Edward Island, Canada) A colour will always have a relationship to its surrounding colours… whether that be a harmonious one or a disharmonious one. Let’s say that you just signed the lease on a new office space. You were looking for the supportive feeling of a home to introduce yourself and

What is Personal Colour Analysis?

by Chrysalis Colour What is a Season? Season is another word for group of natural coloring. We all have a built-in colour scheme that includes a version of every colour, blue, red, green and all the others, like a personal rainbow. By choosing from this menu when we create our appearance, our clothing colours are